to have flown (2018)

General Information

Perusal Score

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to have flown
by Lauren Senden

flying curves
introduced by a dream

we listened on ladders
taught by the pulse of wings
rosy curiosity and the mystery of flight

when your eyes spoke a thousand words
the moment, I too, began to see,
like paths through the blue-grey sky
there are journeys yet to be taken

for the call
for the simple beginnings
all distinct
except for love

each cherished feather,
I am thankful to borrow
not for the sight from the peak,
but to have flown.

Text: to have flown by Lauren Senden (2018)
Commissioner: Lauren Senden
Written: September 2018
Duration: ca. 6’
Instrumentation: soprano + pf

Performance History

October 7, 2018: Lauren Senden (soprano) and Ben Marti (piano) at Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, Mankato, MN (World Premiere)

Program Note

a note from the librettist:
This poem was inspired by childhood memories of being with my grandparents. I believe the journey you take in life is more important than whether or not you reach what you believe is the destination. Choose a path and follow it boldly.

I wrote this poem a thank you to my parents and grandparents for their love and support.

a note from the composer:
to have flown
was written for Lauren Senden's 'Caring and Sharing' concert, held on October 7th, 2018 in Mankato, Minnesota. I asked Lauren if she would write me a poem to set, and she did indeed! I felt a very dreamy, whispery quality to her text which I tried to reflect in its setting. I also wanted to take advantage of her incredible vocal range, resulting in a very high vocal part in the piece. As Lauren dedicated her poem to her parents and grandparents, I too would like to dedicate this setting to my parents and grandparents who have given me so much support and love over the years.